Frequently Asked Questions

At Banyan Tree Advisors, we are committed to providing you with clear and comprehensive information to assist you in making informed investment decisions. This page is designed as a resource to answer your queries and clarify any doubts you might have about our services and processes. Our aim is to ensure that your experience with us is seamless and transparent.


What is the recommended time horizon for investments made with your firm?

Will my portfolio be identical to that of an existing client?

Could you share details of the investment schemes or offerings you provide? Also, is it possible to tailor a portfolio to suit my preference for a higher risk profile?

Do I need to invest ₹50 lakhs when the PMS account is created, or can I transfer this amount over a period of time?

What is the minimum amount required to start a Portfolio Management Service (PMS) account with Banyan Tree Advisors?

Account Opening

Can I directly onboard as a client without going through an agent or distributor?

Which financial institution will my bank and demat accounts be opened with?

How is the account structured and set up? What is the structure and setup process for an account?

How long does it take to set up my account with Banyan Tree Advisors?

Fee Structure & Taxation

Why do you choose not to offer a fixed fee structure or a reduced fee for larger investment amounts?

Can you share your fee structure and any additional charges that may apply?

Account Funding / Redemption

How does the process of withdrawal or redemption work?

When can I contribute additional funds after the initial ₹50 lakhs investment, and is there a minimum amount for these top-ups?

Can I transfer securities to fund my account, and if yes, which securities can I transfer?

Investment Philosophy

How often do you churn the portfolio?

Does Banyan Tree have a specific strategy or methodology for stock selection and investment management?

What measures does your firm take to align the interests of your firm/its directors with those of the investors?


How often can I meet or speak with you to review my portfolio?

What are the options for accessing the details of my portfolio?

Ask your question

If you have any questions that have not been addressed by these FAQs, please use this form to ask your question. We will reply to your question as soon as possible.

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